
Privacy Policy

Last Updated: Feburary 2024

Always Arahi recognizes the value of our users' privacy and is committed to safeguarding their personal information.

Our Privacy Policy outlines the ways we collect, maintain, and utilize user information obtained from our website or online services. We are dedicated to exceeding existing privacy standards and satisfying our commitment to safeguarding your data. Our Privacy Policy is designed to ensure that you understand and feel confident about how we collect and use your personal information. If you have any questions or require clarification, feel free to contact us.

We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time, and it is advisable to refer to this page frequently for changes. In case we decide to use personally identifiable information from our users in a manner vastly different from what we initially stated, we will notify our users promptly via email. Users will have the option of allowing us to use their information in this separate way.

This Policy governs all data collection and usage by Always Arahi, and by using our website, you consent to the procedures outlined in this Policy. However, please note that it does not apply to any third-party websites or any collection and use of information beyond our control.

We collect various information types, including voluntarily provided data, such as your email address, name, and billing or credit card information. We may also gather non-personal anonymous demographic data, such as age, gender, political affiliation, religion, IP address, and type of operating system. We collect personal information solely for the purpose for which it was requested and any other uses stated in this Policy.

We collect your data for legitimate reasons, including better understanding your needs, providing requested services, improving our products, sending promotional offers with your consent, conducting market research with your consent, and customizing our website to meet your preferences. We store your data for a reasonable time and retain it based on various criteria laid out in this Policy.

We are committed to protecting users' information to prevent misuse and unauthorized access. We employ various security measures and take necessary precautions to protect users' data from error, loss, or any unlawful or unauthorized destruction, alteration, access, or disclosure.

Use of Information Collected

Always Arahi will never sell, rent, or lease customer information. Personal information may be collected and used to operate the website and provide requested services. Always Arahi may also use the information to inform customers of new products/services and conduct surveys and research. Third-party social media features such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube may collect IP addresses and require cookies, but are subject to the providers' privacy policies.

Disclosure of Information

Always Arahi will only use or share your information as follows: (1) to provide the services or products you have requested; (2) in ways expressly specified in this Policy or as agreed by you; (3) in anonymized forms that prevent identification of you; (4) when legally required, or in response to a subpoena or search warrant; (5) for confidential external auditing; (6) to enforce our Terms of Service; (7) to protect Always Arahi’s rights and interests.

Always Arahi respects privacy and may contact users for non-marketing purposes such as bug alerts, security breaches, account issues, or service changes. If we unintentionally gather personal information on children under 13, we will delete it or obtain parental consent.

To unsubscribe, users must contact us via our website or email.

We are not responsible for privacy policies on linked websites. While we store sensitive information in secure computers and servers, only employees performing specific roles have access. By providing personal information, users consent to its use and storage.

Acceptance of Terms

To use our website, you must agree to the terms in the Privacy Policy Agreement. If you disagree, do not use our site. If we make changes, continued use of our site means acceptance of those changes.

How to Contact Us

Contact us with questions or concerns at alwaysarahi.com.